Aims and Scope

Kawasaki Disease(KD) is an official publication of the Korean Society of Kawasaki Disease (KSKD) and a peer-reviewed, open-access, multidisciplinary journal directed to physicians, other health care professionals and researchers who are interested in Kawasaki disease.

Its regional focus is mainly Korea, but it also welcomes submissions from researchers and physicians all over the world.

KD is concerned with the dissemination of knowledge on clinical, basic science and innovative methods related to Kawasaki disease or Kawasaki-like disease. The categories of manuscripts are original articles, reviews, editorials, case reports, other publications recognized by the Publications Committee. The journal is published twice a year on the official website

It is planned to be indexed in KCI, PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, KoreaMed, KoreaMed Synapse and KoMCI, and easily available to wide international researchers.